It’s Not Goodbye

Jaywalkers_206 I had no idea. 


The first time I went to ABQ SnB last spring, I would not have guessed that it would become so important to me.  That the women of ABQ SnB would be so important to me.  But they are.  I will miss them so much.  I’m excited to start my new life with Neal, for us to actually be in the same state for more than a few days at a time, but the downside is that now I’m long distance from my SnB relationships.  But there are blogs, right?  And I’ll be back a few times over the next year. 

We met over Mona’s for a special evening, a perfect evening in New Mexico.  After feasting on delicious food (um, Carmela, could you please come live with me?  Panna cotta for dessert every night would be just fine), we sat around, chatted and knit until even the light by the chiminea wasn’t enough to see by.  Carole gave me a gorgeous skein of her hand-dyed yarn, named "Bev’s Nouveau Army".  Go look at it on her blog; the light isn’t good enough to take a decent picture right now.  Amy gave me a copy of Red: Passion and Patience in the Desert by Terry Tempest Williams, which I’ll read on the car ride home.  In addition to hosting us on her birthday, Mona also gave me a framed copy of this photo, which I admired on her blog back in March.

One of those great New Mexican oddities, and it will find a place of honor in Granby, CT.  So, Scout, Carole, Mona, Noelle, Amy, Lauren, Cari, Beth, Cynthia, Laurie, Liz, Carmela, and all the other ABQ SnB’ers, thank you for being my girlies.  I’m going to miss you more than I can express.  Leaving you all is one of the hardest things about my move.  MWAUH!

7 thoughts on “It’s Not Goodbye”

  1. And you had to go and make me cry already today because????
    I’m just going to pretend you’re not moving. Maybe that’ll work.
    Know that you can always stay with me when you come back okay? We have plenty of room and they kids would be in heaven!

  2. Well, the Southwest’s loss is the Northeast’s gain. Granby looks not to be a suburb of NYC, but if you ever need to do some big city yarn shopping, you know where to find me. More importantly, are you planning to go to Rhinebeck?

  3. waaaaaaaahhhhhh!
    We will really miss you & I am NOT kidding about a weekend trip to NYC sometime.
    Have a safe trip, sweets.

  4. I’m just focusing on how happy you’ll be back east with your sweetie. Not thinking about NOT SEEING YOU every week at SNB. Not at all!

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