After admiring you. After working on you with love and attention. After letting you have your debut this morning, this is how you’re going to act, Shaddie?
Oh, excuse us. Just a little spat between a woman and her knitting. Allow me to whine for a second. I posted her picture only as a thumbnail before. Maybe that’s the problem, but since this morning’s post, she’s given me nothing but trouble. I knit when I should purl. I purl when I should knit. All easily remedied, but do you understand that until she had her little moment of fame, she acted right. Now it’s all, "just try to act like I’m going to be cast aside for a pair of socks. What, two circs give you more thrills than my picot edging?"
I’m willing to see both sides of this little tiff. I’m nothing if not fair. Shaddie got jealous, wanted to make me pay for my thoughtless remarks this morning. Ok. Consider yourself paid, darling. I’ll be faithful. I promise.
By the way, if you never hear from me again, it’s because the crazy winds that are keeping me awake have picked up my casita and plopped it down in Oz. Look for a woman with ruby slippers. That will be me.
Snotty little knitting project there, eh?
May the winds not blow you to Oz – we’d miss you.
Arrrgh. I am sooo pissed off at this wind.
We actually lost power last night! Wild wind!!
Console yourself with the fact that your shadow shawl is the coooolest colorway ever!
Ah, the Goddess of Knitting strikes again. She can be such a pain.