I’m sitting in my beautiful, shady back yard, looking at my fence covered with clothes that I cleared out of my closet for the moving sale. And I realize (not for the first time, believe me) that I have more stuff than I could possibly need. More than I really want, too. The moving sale has helped me to find a way to recycle a boat load of the stuff I don’t want to take to Connecticut, and I’ll Freecycle or donate the rest. I’m closing down "shop" in 20 minutes, and I just sold a huge basket of yarn for $10. Some of it was good stuff, but stuff I’m not going to use any time soon. So out the door, yarn! The woman who bought it has a sister who just started to knit, so it’s going to a good home.
I heard about Wardrobe Refashion ’06 on Whip Up, and I decided to take the pledge. I’m starting slow: only for two months, at least to start. But in this time of throw away everything, I want to stop participating in so much consumerism, so much thoughtless waste. So, here I go:
I Beverly A., pledge that I shall abstain from the purchase of "new" manufactured items of clothing, for the period of 2 months.
I Pledge that I shall refashion, renovate, recycle pre-loved items for myself for the term of my contract.
I Pledge that I shall create and craft items of clothing for myself with my own hands in fabric, yarn or other medium for the term of my contract.
I Pledge that I will share the love and post a photo of my refashioned, renovoated, recylcled, crafted or created item of clothing on the Wardrobe Refashion blog, so that others may share the joy that thy thriftyness brings!
I’ll be a Refashionista from June 1st until July 31st. It’s going to be good, I can tell.
Time to pack up the store!
We had so much fun shopping at your house. Superboy LOVES his Vespa!
The Farmer’s Market was a hit too.
Good for you!!
Sounds like the day was a success!
Sorry I didn’t make it over there.
I like the idea of that pledge! I think you’ll have fun refurbishing and refashioning!
I’m sure the knitter who ended up with your yarn is happy tonight!
That is exactly what I should be doing. I’m moving soon and I need to get rid of a bunch of stuff. I also really do not need anything new.
I can’t wait to see what you create!
Doesn’t it feel good to sort out your life, thing-wise? I’m doing the same, and I find that I am loving it. My elderly mother moves in with us next week, and I have had “her” room filled with stash — the big closet, under the bed, every drawer in the dresser and chest — and that was only part of my stash! It forced me to reorganize just about everything I own. I love it. A new spinner got a lot of fiber, and loads of yarn went to a couple of new knitters, the Linus project, and the women’s prison at Grants (a friend works with a group tht teaches knitting there). I feel good. Lighter.
Oh! That sounds like a great idea! I’ll be in the middle of nowhere for a few months with very little, so I’m really going to have to rework my wardrobe.
I can’t wait to see what you come up with!