Sockapaloooza Socks: Finis!

Img_0799 At 11:42 p.m. I finished my Sockapaloooza socks!  They are rather plain, but my pal is a skier, and I imagine her wearing them after a day on the slopes when warmth will be welcome.  I used Nature Spun in "Spring"(hey, my first Project Spectrum item for May!), and I pieced together a pattern from a number of places:  Laurie gave me the number of stitches to cast on, then I looked at Weekend Knitting for an idea of how much ribbing, how much leg to knit (one inch, six inches).  I made an Eye of the Partridge heel, then turned to Sock Knitters for most of the rest of my sock engineering help.

Despite the lack of fancy knitting, I am pretty pleased.  I learned a lot about the construction of socks while making these, and more than anything, I love my newest skill:  knitting two socks on two circulars.  I wish Addi would make circs in different colors to make it easier to know what needle to pick up…the nailpolish wore off of the tip of the needles, although it stayed put near the join.

Thank you, everyone who has donated to Jessie’s Race for the Cure fundraiser.  Not only is she running in the desert (as jickymcjickster pointed out), but Jessie had a baby in February.  And it’s May.  And she’s running this race.  Go on…go make a donation and enter my contest!

11 thoughts on “Sockapaloooza Socks: Finis!”

  1. Green is my favourite colour… especially that green. I’m currently working on my first pair of socks and I’m really excited about them.

  2. CONGRATULATIONS, Bev. The socks look great. I also just read the post about reading and knitting. It is amazing isn’t it, to do that? Next step — knitting in the movies in. the. dark. Yes. You will do it!

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