Sweet on My Ears

Driving home from my afternoon errands I tuned into one of my favorite radio shows: A Prairie Home Companion.  When it’s warm out, and I’m back east, Neal and I will sometimes bring the girls to visit their Uncle Brian, Auntie Laurie and cousins Bonnie and Daisy (and now their new little brother Charlie).  We take the short walk out to the lean-to where Brian starts a fire and Laurie lays out a spread of treats and the dogs run around like crazies.  The radio goes on, and we listen to that all-American voice of Garrison Keillor.  Well, I’m a long way away from the lean-to, but I do try to tune in on Saturday afternoons.  I’m glad I did today because I got to hear Nick Curry play a cello that was made in 1563.  I wish I could have been in the same room as that cello, but even over the magical airwaves the sound was so sweet. 

In knitting news I have finished the gusset decreases and am working on the foot.  My pal’s shoe size is a few bigger than mine, so I’m going to have to rely on my measuring tape to get an accurate foot length.  I’ve been picking up some treats to add to her package, which I plan to mail out bright and early on Tuesday morning.  I’ll post a photo of the finished socks.  I can’t stress enough how much I adore two socks on two circulars!  Try it, you’ll like it!

3 thoughts on “Sweet on My Ears”

  1. Ah, Prairie Home Companion is one of my favorite times of the week – I start listening to it in the car on my way home from the shop and finish listening at home with a glass of wine! It’s how I end my weeks.

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